京都大学 人社未来形発信ユニット


Kyoto-Shandong Joint Workshop on Asian Humanities


Kyoto-Shandong Joint Workshop on Asian Humanities

Date and Time : December 12th, 2019 13:00-17:50
Place : Seminar Room, the Unit of Kyoto Initiatives for the Humanities and Social Science (4th Floor of the Building No.7 of this map)

Program [PDF]

13:00 〜 13:05
Opening Remark: Prof. Yasuo Deguchi (Vice Provost, Director of the Unit of Kyoto Initiatives for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Kyoto University)

13:05 〜 13: 45
Prof. Senlin Liu (The Dean of School of Philosophy and Social Development, Shandong University)
上帝之死的四個後果:以陀斯妥夫斯基質詢尼采 (in Chinese)
Commentator: Prof. Chin Ping Liao (Associate Professor, School of Philosophy, Sun Yat-sen University) (in Chinese)

13:45 〜 14: 25
Prof. Tongli WU (Associate Professor, School of Philosophy and Social Development, Shandong University)
論人工智能的主體資格 (in English)
Commentator: Prof. Jun Otsuka (Associate Professor of philosophy, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University) (in English)

14:25 〜 14:35 Break

14:35 〜 15:15
Prof. Yuanyuan HU (Assistant Professor, School of Philosophy and Social Development, Shandong University)
中國”東北型”農村跨國婚姻的誕生 (in Japanese)
Commentator: Prof. Wako Asato (Associate Professor of Sociology, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University) (in Japanese)

15:15 〜 15:55
Prof. Jianke NIU (Professor, School of Philosophy and Social Development, Shandong University)
互鉴视域下的日本神佛关系 (in Chinese)
Commentator: Prof. Roman Pasca (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University) (in Japanese)

15:55 〜 16:05 Break

16:05 〜 16:10 Group Photo

16:10 〜 16:50
Prof. Chinghui Su (Professor, School of Philosophy and Social Development, Shandong University)
On the Justification of Counterfactuals (in English)
Commentator: Prof. Takuro Onishi (Associate Professor, the Unit of Kyoto Initiatives for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Kyoto University) (in English)

16:50〜 17: 30
Prof. Jian CHEN (The Vice-dean of School of Philosophy and Social Development, Shandong University)
中國佛學對佛性與般若關係的協調:以禪宗與天台宗為例 (in Chinese)
Commentator: Dr. Chiyen Liu (Postdoctoral Fellow, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University) (in Chinese)

17:30 〜 17:55
Free discussions  Chaired by Prof. Masayuki Sato (Visiting Scholar, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University) and Prof. Okpyo Moon (Professor, School of Philosophy and Social Development, Shandong University)

17:55 〜 18:00
Closing Remark: Prof. Senlin Liu (The Dean of School of Philosophy and Social Development, Shandong University)


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